California Market Guide

California Program Market Guide

September 19, 20249 min read

California Program and Market Guide

Foreword for Dealers and Sales Representatives:

This document is meant to be a helpful guide for Dealers and Sales Representatives operating in California.

Dealer requirements to operate in California with Trusted Energy Solar LLC:

• Signed CA dealer agreement

• Proof of insurance covering Trusted Energy Solar, LLC

• Signed personal guarantees

To sell in CA with Trusted Energy Solar, sales representatives must provide proof of an active CA Home Improvement Salespersons license. For more information, visit the CSLB website.

If you need assistance with becoming active in California with Freedom Forever or to provide proof of HIS licensure, please email [email protected]

Table of Contents

Coverage Areas

Financing Options in California

Overview of California Electricity Market

Utility Overview


Coverage Areas

Financing Options in California

Loans: Enfin, Mosaic, GoodLeap, Service Finance, Dividend

PPA/Lease: Sunrun, Lightreach, Enfin, Brightstar, Solwerks, Everbright

Overview of California Electricity Market

California is a regulated residential electricity market, which means that homeowners are not permitted to choose their electricity supplier. However, California law supports community choice aggregation (CCA). A CCA gives residents and businesses an opportunity to purchase electricity from local government agencies and gives local governments the authority to manage energy resources on behalf of their communities and customers.

Utility Overview

For active utilities within TES's install territory.

Data as of 07/22/21 CA IOU’s

Pacific Gas & Electric

● Net Metering?: Yes, NEM 3

o Excess credits at the end of each month roll over from month to month within the annual true-up period. At the end of each annual true-up period, any remaining kWh credits are paid at the rate set by the CA CPUC, typically between $.02-$.04/kWh.

● TOU Utility?: Yes

● Allow GMA/RMA?: Yes

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Must include ALL pages of the Utility Bill.

o CA Consumer Guide

Needs to be signed same day or before by contract holder.

Pages 1-4 are initialed.

● Other Documents Needed:

o NEM Agreement

Name on NEM Agreement needs to match Utility Bill account holder name.

Document is sent from the PG&E portal for e-signature.

Battery NEM agreement will be sent separately for projects with a battery included.

● System Sizing:

o Sunrun Only: Max offset Limit is 200%

o Standard Applications will allow for systems to be sized over 150%

o Aggregated Applications will not allow for the system size to be sized over 150%

● Incentives: SGIP

Southern California Edison

● Net Metering?: Yes, NEM 3

o Excess credits at the end of each month roll over from month to month within the annual true-up period. At the end of each annual true-up period, any remaining kWh credits are paid at the rate set by the CA CPUC, typically between $.02-$.04/kWh.

● TOU Utility?: Yes

● Allow GMA/RMA?: Yes

o We recommend reviewing THIS HANDOUT to understand the GMA requirements:

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

o CA Consumer Guide

Needs to be signed same day or before as contract-by-contract holder.

Pages 1-4 are initialed, and Pages 23-24 are signed.

● Other Documents Needed: o NEM Agreement

Name on NEM Agreement needs to match UBill account holder name.

o Load Justification Form

Customers are required to sign this if their system is sized over 100%. To avoid future delays we recommend getting this signed at the point of sale.

● System Sizing:

o Sunrun Only: Max offset Limit is 200%

o Standard application is maxed at 100% unless the Load Justification Form is completed.

o GMA Adapter: Max size = 15kW

● Incentives: SGIP

San Diego Gas & Electric

● Net Metering?: Yes, NEM 3

o Excess credits at the end of each month roll over from month to month within the annual true-up period. At the end of each annual true-up period, any remaining kWh credits are paid at the rate set by the CA CPUC, typically between $.02-$.04/kWh.

● TOU Utility?: Yes


● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

o CA Consumer Guide

Needs to be signed same day or before as contract-by-contract holder

Pages 1-4 are initialed, pages 23 & 24 are signed

● Other Documents Needed:

o NEM Agreement

Name on NEM Agreement needs to match Utility Bill account hold name.

● System Sizing:

o Sunrun Only: Max offset Limit is 200%

● Incentives: SGIP

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power

● Net Metering?: Yes

● TOU Utility?: Yes

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Must include Account Holder Name, Service Address, Account Number

● Other Documents Needed:

o NEM Agreement

Only required if the system size is 10kW AC or larger

● System Sizing: 150% Max

o Sunrun Only: Max offset Limit is 200%

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

● Net Metering?: Yes

● TOU Utility?: Yes

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed:

● System Sizing:

o PV Systems can be sized up to 100% offset of customers annual usage.

• Gas customers: if 12 months usage is not provided, system will be sized at 2watts/sq ft.

• All Electric Homes: If 12 months usage is not provided, system will be sized at 3watts/sq ft.

Modesto Irrigation District

● Net Metering?: Yes

o CPAU shall bill the Customer-Generator consumption charges for the electricity delivered by CPAU to the Customer-Generator based on the Customer-Generator’s applicable Rate Schedule. In the event the electricity generated exceeds the electricity consumed and therefore is received by CPAU, the Customer will receive a credit for all electricity received by CPAU at the buyback Rate

● TOU Utility?: Yes

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No ●

Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed:

o Interconnection Agreement Signed by UBill holder

o Interconnection Application Signed by UBill holder

System Sizing:

o Up to 100% of 12 months usage

Anaheim Public Utility

Net Metering?: Yes

o Under NEM 1.0, each Eligible Customer-Generator will elect whether to receive a credit or compensation for any net energy produced by their Renewable Generating Facility. The Eligible Customer-Generator shall make their credit or compensation election at the time of their execution of an NEM Contract and may subsequently change their election once per Fiscal Year between June 1 and June 30, or as otherwise allowed under their NEM Contract. If the Eligible Customer-Generator does not make an election at NEM Contract execution, the default election will be the credit option. Under the credit option, the Eligible Customer-Generator will receive a net energy credit on their electric bill for excess energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility to the Utility during a Billing Period. This energy credit will be carried forward in kilowatt-hours (kWh) on the electric portion of their bill and will be valued at the rate applicable at the time the credits are used to offset energy charges. Under the compensation option, the Eligible Customer-Generator will receive net energy compensation for excess energy supplied by their Renewable Generating Facility during the periods set forth in the NEM Contract to be paid at the end of the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The net energy compensation shall be calculated by multiplying the supplied excess kilowatt-hours by the Annual Cash Compensation (“ACC”) rate.

● TOU Utility?: No

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed:

o Interconnection Application

● System Sizing: 100%-150% offset

Riverside Public Utilities

● Net Metering?: Yes

o CPAU shall bill the Customer-Generator consumption charges for the electricity delivered by CPAU to the Customer-Generator based on the Customer-Generator’s applicable Rate Schedule. In the event the electricity generated exceeds the electricity consumed and therefore is received by CPAU, the Customer will receive a credit for all electricity received by CPAU at the buyback Rate

● TOU Utility?: No

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed:

● System Sizing:

o Up to 100% of 12 months usage

For customers with less than 6 months or 1-year account history will be limited to 2 watts DC per Square Foot of the floor plan

Moreno Valley Electric Utility

● Net Metering?: Yes

o As determined in each billing period, when a customer is a net consumer of energy, the resulting net consumed energy will be used in the calculation of all applicable energy charges. As determined in each billing period, when a customer is a net producer of energy, the resulting net produced energy will be used in the calculation of a monetary value that shall only be applied to the customer’s monthly bill, including any minimum charges and applicable taxes. A customer is a net producer of energy when the amount of generated kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy that is exported to MVU’s system exceeds the amount that the customer receives from MVU. The monetary value calculated is the product of the net kWh produced multiplied by the Net Surplus Compensation Rate (NSCR). MVU shall retain any net surplus energy generated by the NEM customer, including any associated environmental attributes or renewable energy credits (""REC"").

• TOU Utility?: No

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed: o Interconnection Agreement

Signed by UBill holder o Interconnection Application

Signed by UBill holder

● System Sizing: o Up to 100% of 12 months usage

For customers with less than 6 months or 1-year account history will be limited to 2 watts DC per Square Foot of the floor plan.

City of Glendale Water and Power

● Net Metering?: Yes

o Homes with solar installations receive special meters called “net meters” that are certified for accuracy when spinning both forwards and backwards recording both the power used from the utility and the surplus generation delivered back to the utility. When the solar system is operating during the day, it is possible to have times during the day when the solar system produces more energy than the home is using. When this happens, the excess energy generated automatically goes through the net electric meter into GWP's distribution grid, running the meter backwards to credit your account.

● TOU Utility?: No

● Allow GMA/RMA?: No

● Documents to sign or collect at Point of Sale:

o Utility Bill

Please include ALL pages of the Utility Bill

● Other Documents Needed:

o Interconnection Application

Signed by UBill holder o Net Metering Agreement

• Signed by UBill holder

● System Sizing:

o Up to 110% of 12 months usage

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9100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 333 #37 ,Beverly Hills, CA 90212